GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Committed to Responsible Waste Management: A Global Perspective

Sustainable Waste Management in the UK, Ireland, and South Africa: Challenges and Progress

At GAP Talent, we are deeply committed to reducing our environmental impact through responsible waste management practices across our offices in the UK, Ireland, and South Africa. As part of this commitment, we are constantly striving to improve our efforts in prevention, reduction, reuse, and recycling.

The Waste Management Landscape in the UK

In the UK, waste management continues to see progress. In 2023, the UK reported a recycling rate of 44.6% for household waste, which marks a slight increase from 2021. However, there are still significant challenges to overcome, especially in reducing the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfills, which increased to 6.8 million tonnes. Additionally, around 40.4 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste were generated in 2020, with England alone accounting for 33.8 million tonnes.

Ireland’s Progress Toward Circularity

Ireland has seen a consistent effort toward circular economy principles, with a reported 58% recycling rate for packaging waste in 2021. However, more work is needed as the country aims to meet its EU recycling targets. Ireland continues to invest in infrastructure and public education to drive higher recycling rates and reduce landfill dependency.

South Africa’s Waste Management Challenges

South Africa faces unique challenges in waste management. Approximately 30 to 40% of the country’s waste is organic, and 70% of municipal waste could be diverted from landfills through better recycling and recovery practices. South Africa’s National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) aims to divert 40% of waste from landfills by 2025, with long-term goals for zero waste to landfill by 2035. However, the country struggles with infrastructure and capacity issues, which slow progress toward these goals.

Our Approach to Responsible Waste Management at GAP Talent

We believe that every action counts, and that’s why we are dedicated to embedding sustainable waste management practices in all of our offices. By engaging our teams, Talent Professionals, and Talent Partners in responsible waste disposal and recycling initiatives, we aim to play our part in shaping a greener future for generations to come.

Learn more about our sustainability initiatives and how we’re working toward a more eco-conscious future