GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Celebrating Nelson Mandela Day: Making a Difference with Door of Hope

Nelson Mandela Day – 18 July 2024

Today, on Nelson Mandela Day, GAP Talent honours the spirit of giving and community upliftment embodied by the life of Madiba. This day is a reminder of the profound impact collective effort can have on society. Our #GAPGivesBack initiative embodies these values, and through partnerships with our Talent Partners (our Clients), we are incredibly proud of our ongoing support for the Door of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa.

Over the past six months, we’ve celebrated many milestones with our sponsored children. From first crawls and steps to new teeth and giggles, every moment has been a testament to the care and love they receive at the homes.

A notable highlight in June was the establishment of a new sensory room for physiotherapy sessions. This serene environment allows for personalized care, significantly benefiting babies with limited mobility. Baby Boy B, for instance, despite showing some discomfort when his muscles were stretched, handled his physiotherapy sessions very well, even attempting to put Vaseline on himself. Baby Boy N and his friends have been spending quality time outdoors, benefiting from the warm winter sun, a much-welcomed respite from the chilly Autumn season. Baby Boy BO has made a remarkable recovery and is back in the baby house, getting stronger every day.

These achievements are made possible through the unwavering support of our Talent Partners and the dedicated team at Door of Hope. Your commitment to this cause is enabling real change, and creating brighter futures for these once-abandoned children.

On this special day, we reflect on Nelson Mandela’s legacy and the importance of making a difference, one life at a time. Thank you for your continued support and for joining us in this journey of hope and transformation. Together, we’re changing lives, one day at a time.

Until our next update, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and well wishes to all.
Ian, Tony, Faye, and the entire GAP Talent Team

For more information about our #GAPGivesBack initiatives, visit: