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Click Learning: Changing Little Lives For Big Impact

At GAP Talent, we believe in the transformative power of education and the potential of every child to shape a brighter future. This month, as part of our #GAPGivesBack Charity of the Month initiative, we are proud to support Click Learning, an inspiring NGO dedicated to improving foundational literacy, numeracy, and digital skills in under-serviced primary schools across South Africa.

The challenges faced by South African learners are staggering: 81% of Grade 4 learners can’t read for meaning, 63% of Grade 5 learners show no basic mathematical knowledge, and 90% are taught in English from Grade 4. Weak foundational skills in English literacy and numeracy lead to poor learning outcomes in later grades, and Click Learning is taking bold steps to change this narrative.

By leveraging technology to create self-paced, individualized learning programmes, Click Learning is not only empowering young learners to navigate their educational journeys with confidence, but is also creating job opportunities for unemployed youth who assist schools and teachers with the programme’s implementation.

With an ambitious goal to reach 1 million learners by 2025 and teach them to read for meaning and calculate with confidence by 2030, Click Learning is changing little lives for a big impact.

Join us in supporting Click Learning’s mission to build solid foundations for a better future. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of South Africa’s youth. 🌍📚✨